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Stuff To Read To Pass Another Few Minutes On The Road To Oblivion

Chris K

It's been another interesting week under lockdown conditions with a second coronavirus wave seemingly approaching.

We've seen the Black Lives Matter movement come to the fore making many of us look deeply into how we can do our bit to improve our awareness, to eliminate racism, and to move forward as one human race.

It almost feels like talking about lifting weights is somewhat irrelevant. I know it isn't and if we are healthy and strong we are more likely to be happy.

If we are happy, maybe we would all be more comfortable facing up to our biases, prejudices and past mistakes.

Here are some of the things I've consumed this week:


The Grafters Podcast Episode #20 Jason Leenaarts: Growing from your past and creating your own future

While recording this podcast I was truly moved by Jason's journey. His second name is actually spelled Leenaarts but we accidentally added an extra 'e' in there. We are truly bad people.

This will surely be his first appearance of many. He is a master of his podcasting craft with 250+ episodes of his own podcast called Revolutionary You! and has a thriving gym over in the US called Revolutionary Fitness & Therapy.

Thanks, Jason. You were a great guest.

Revolutionary You! Episode 250 "I DON'T QUIT!"

Jason Leenaarts makes another appearance here with a wonderfully inspiring episode with a man still hitting the gym and smashing PB's well into his 70's.

This episode gave me the kick up the bum I needed.


The Metalheads Podcast Episode 3- The Rock Of The Clyde


In this article, I discuss how to instantly become a better writer and a tool that's easy to implement into your writing process to increase the impact of every sentence you write.

Since 2016, I haven't hit a bench PB. This month, I changed that.

Here's how I did it with some lessons you can apply to your own training.

Some fitness professionals say dumb shit. My feeling on this is that most of the so-called coaches saying this stuff either aren't living in the real world or do very little actual coaching.

This is an issue with fitness content. Most of the best coaches are too busy doing actual coaching to promote their brand to a wide audience and to have time to expose bad information.

Lyle has clearly done a lot of coaching and in his article he lays to rest some of the bullshit ideas around the squat and once again makes me a better coach.

This was my favourite article to read this week by far.


See you again next week!

By Chris Kershaw

The Heavy Metal Strength Coach

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